My journey began when I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder in my late 30s. Western medicines didn’t alleviate the symptoms; in fact, they only seemed to make me feel worse. On top of that, I was given a grim prognosis of a wheelchair, dialysis, or death.
On the suggestion of a friend, I sought out an acupuncturist and doctor of Chinese medicine. I was skeptical, but I had no other options. I began weekly treatments and within one year, my autoimmune disorder was in complete remission.
Since then, the body/mind/spirit connection has been a passion of mine. I have studied tai chi, qi gong, Iyengar yoga, reflexology, guided meditation for pain relief, and herbal remedies. There is so much more to the science of alternative healing than Western medicine gives it credit for.
With my first introduction to Reiki, I knew that I had found my calling—or rather, it called me. When I work with a client, I am struck by the profound effects of Reiki. Many who receive it report feeling surges of love, gratitude, or a connection with a higher source, as I myself have so often experienced.